PAM A is the private museum of a paper manufacturer. All facades are composed
of Fiberglass Reinforced Panels. The square floor plan is divided into
three rows, and in the middle is a three story high atrium. By opening
stacking shutters and awnings (shitomido), a spatial continuity of the
interior and exterior is achieved.PAM B is formerly the laboratory and
has been renovated as a gallery for contemporary art. By reversing the
rails of the overhead sliding doors, when they are opened, they act as
a large shading device and create a comfortable shaded patio space. The
idea in both buildings was to recreate, using contemporary materials, spaces
for contemporary life while maintaining continuity between interior and
exterior in a very Japanese manner.
924uのギャラリーは、古い工場を改装したものである。A館と同様の外観の変化が、このギャラリー南側のファサードでも起こる。この面全体は、閉めると障子のように見える、半透明のFRP製のシャッター6組で構成されている。パネルが外側にスライドして奥行き5mの日よけをつくり、内部ギャラリーはそのまま外へと通じて、周囲の風景と一体化することになる。 |