Santa Monica, CA, USA / 米国、カリフォルニア州、サンタモニカ
Three units of the Paper Partition System (PPS) were installed at the Westwood Recreation Center in Santa Monica, California—one of the shelters for the people affected by the wildfires that occurred in western Los Angeles on January 7–8, 2025.
By setting up the PPS around the Red Cross medical area called the “medical bay,” we can create a space that ensures privacy for both the people receiving care and the medical staff. Shigeru Ban Architects + Voluntary Architects’ Network (VAN) will continue to provide support going forward.
In Cooperation with: Akiko Suzuki, Montalba Architects Inc.; Hiro Kamizono, RIOS
「medical bay(医療区画)」と呼ばれる赤十字の医務スペース周囲にPPSを設置することで、手当てをする人と受ける人との双方にとって、プライバシーが守られる空間ができます。今後も坂茂建築設計+ボランタリー・アーキテクツ・ネットワーク(VAN)は支援を続けていきます。
協力:Montalba Architects Inc. 鈴木章子、RIOS 神園紘範